• Adriana Corhan – Institu?ii juridice ignorate de Noul Cod Civil (Legal institutions ignored by the New Civil Code)
• Marius Dr?ghici – Amicable accident reportings and its impact an compulsory insurance against civil liability
• Borislav Grozdi?, Ilija Kajtez, Dragan Gostovi? – Understanding of peace in Christianity. Peace in the human soul, peace amongpeople and peace among nations
• Luis Gutierrez Sanjuan – Los derecheos del inversor minorista en la Unión Europea (The rights of retail investor in the European Union)
• Nicolae Pan? – El debate Hart-Dworkin. Una interpretación contemporánea (The Hart-Dworkin debate. A contemporary interpretation)
• Mihaela-Lumini?a Stroia – Procedura de insolven?? ?i ac?iunea în anulare între teorie ?i practic? (Insolvency proceedings and its action for annulment between theory and practice)
• Adrian Z?rie, Certificatul de mo?tenitor (Certificate of Succession)
• Mihai C?tan?, Emil Cioran, a runagate mystic
• Constantin Mihai, La dimension européenne de la pensée de Nae Ionescu (The European Dimension of Nae Ionescu’s Works)
• List of authors